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Privacy Policy

In order to provide our services to you, we will, from time to time, collect, store, use, process, and transfer certain personal information about you. This privacy policy (Privacy Policy) governs the collection and use of personal information and 'sensitive personal data or information' of users by Sarano Consultancy Services.


This Privacy Policy, read together with the terms and use of the Website, constitutes a legal and binding agreement between you and Sarano Consultancy Services and is enforceable under the laws of India.


The Privacy Policy is subject to revisions at any time, as determined by Sarano Consultancy Services, without notice, and any such changes are effective immediately upon being posted on the Website. Any use of the Website thereafter will be deemed to be an acceptance of these changes by you. You are strongly urged to read this Privacy Policy in its entirety and to periodically check this page to understand how modifications or revisions to this policy affects the use of our information. Sarano Consultancy Services shall not be responsible for your failure to remain informed about such changes.


1. Types of Information Collected


Sarano collects the following types of information from its users:

  • Name

  • Location and/or address

  • Phone number


The above information may contain 'sensitive personal data or information' as defined under the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 (Data Protection Rules), and Sarano Consultancy Services will collect, store, use, process, and transfer such information as prescribed under these rules.


The information above will be collected and retained by the following entity:


Sarano Consultancy Services

Shop No 2A, Sohna Road,

Beside Bharat Petroleum Petrol Pump,

Opp. Air Force Station Road, Islampur Village,

Sector 38, Gurugram, Haryana 122001

Phone: 9910603656



2. Purpose of Collection


Sarano uses the information collected from you for the provision of services to you. You will, at all times, have the option to refrain from disclosing your personal information to Sarano. You will also have the option of withdrawing consent previously provided to Sarano. In such cases, Sarano shall no longer be obliged to continue providing services to you or continue to provide you with access to the Website.


3. Access to Sensitive Personal Data or Information


You will have the right, upon request, to access and review the 'sensitive personal data or information' provided by you and held by Sarano. Upon discovering that the 'sensitive personal data or information' provided is inaccurate or deficient in any manner, you will have the right to request suitable changes or amendments to such data, which may be provided by Sarano, when feasible.


4. Disclosure


Sarano will share and disclose information pertaining to you with the state govts and urban local bodies to whom your order will be routed, to the extent that it is necessary for them to process your orders and deliver service to you.


Other than as stated above, Sarano will not publish or disclose 'sensitive personal data or information' pertaining to you without your prior consent, unless it is required to do so in order to provide the services to you, or if mandated by law, or if you have previously provided to your consent.


Sarano will disclose any personal information or 'sensitive personal information' if it is ordered to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction or to any government agency if required by law.


5. Retention


Sarano will retain your information only for as long as you use our website. Sarano may retain your information even after you are no longer taking our services, if and for as long as it is necessary in order to comply with its obligations under law.


6. Transfer


Sarano shall not transfer the 'sensitive personal data or information' pertaining to you to any third party without your prior consent, unless such transfer is necessary for performance of a contract between Sarano (or any entity on its behalf) and you.


The 'sensitive personal data or information' shall be transferred only to a third party that ensures the same level of data protection that Sarano has adopted, as provided for under the Data Protection Rules.


7. Security Practices and Procedures


Sarano ensures the confidentiality and security of the personal information and 'sensitive personal data and information' provided its users by implementing comprehensive information security practices and standards as mandated by the Data Protection Rules.


8. Grievance Officer


If you have any concerns or questions in relation to this Privacy Policy you may address them to our grievance officer whose name and address are as follows:


Name: Ganesh Kunderia

Phone: 9910603656


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